In Holland, Tuition fee is reasonable and the cost of living is modest compared with other nations.
The tuition fee in Holland is 1.835 Euros. This applies to all the foreign students who come to study. The fee can be paid in a lump sum or in installments. Students, who are above 29, need to pay Instellingencollegegeld. The amount varies from university to university.
Financing the tuition fees is possible with Collegegeldkrediet. This is applied for students who shall pay the fees of 1.835 €.In a form of credit, they can loan this completely and need to pay back in at the end of their study in installments.
Students who are supposed to pay higher fees especially those are studying special English-speaking study Programmes and master study Programmes can loan till fivefold of the annual tuition fees.
It would be max. € = 9.175, - € /year.
Therefore, studying in the Holland is less expensive than studying in other European colleges.